Synopsis: European political scientists and parliamentarians are struggling to address the impending vacancy of the UK’s 73 seats in the European Parliament. One proposal entails the establishment of a supranational constituency that would provide for European voters to select at-large candidates regardless of residency of both the voters and the candidates. This article examines the pros, cons, and necessary structural changes of such a plan. Continue reading “Brexit contingency planning revives old issue of MEP apportionment”
Category: Brexit
News roundup: ECB eyes changes to euro clearing supervision; banks turn their attention to Frankfurt
A new series of articles published by the Financial Times delves deeper into the potential gains that Brexit can deliver for Luxembourg, a small country of 570,000 residents where roughly 1 in every 30 individuals works in financial services. See the full series of articles here. For more information, please also see my May 2017 report on the effects of Brexit on Europe’s financial services industry, which includes special coverage on Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Paris, and other select cities. Continue reading “News roundup: ECB eyes changes to euro clearing supervision; banks turn their attention to Frankfurt”
Brexit: Regulatory equivalence and single market access for the financial services industry
The attached document, originally submitted in May 2017 as my Master’s thesis upon the conclusion of my Master of Arts in International Relations (concentrations in European regional studies and international economics), provides an in-depth assessment of the regulatory framework that has allowed financial services firms in London to access the European Union’s single market, as well as the changes that could come with Brexit and the possible results for competing European financial centers.